Find Automotive Transport Providers
When making a move, one consideration to take into account is how you are planning to move your vehicles to your new home! 1-800-PACK-RAT wants to make it as simple as possible to make your entire move go off without a hitch, which is why we have partnered with Mr. Car Shipper*, who can deliver your car to your new home.
Professional Automotive Transportation Services:
Auto Shippers You Can Trust
1-800-PACK-RAT wants to make sure your move is as simple and stress free as possible, which is why we only partner with trusted companies to provide you with the extra services you need. When it comes to auto shipping services, we have teamed up with Mr. Car Shipper. A car shipping service will help delivery your new vehicle with no added wear or tear, allowing you peace of mind when it comes to getting your car to its new home!

How It Works
While you are focused on moving your stuff, you can leave the transporting of your vehicles to professional automotive transport partners. You vehicle(s) will be picked up or driven to a nearby location where they can be loaded onto the vehicle transporter. Our auto transport partners will then deliver your vehicle(s) to your new city, either dropping them off at your door or at a nearby spot where you can pick them up.

Having your vehicle transported by a professional auto transport service will save you a lot of time and stress when managing your overall move. By leaving the driving to auto transporters, you also will save a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle(s). This allows you to focus your efforts on other facets of your move, saving stress on you and your family driving a vehicle a long distance to your new home!